BGB No Swivel

Our own developed Swedish Swivel or Swirl for tie-outs and stake/picket lines.
Excellent quality and durability. 7 ⁄ 8 " loop x 1 ¾" long.
Based on the same size and weight as the large Swedish snap.
The BGB model range is supplied as standard with electrolytic bright zinc coated
finish (standard). Black-, yellow- and green chromate or other finishes offered on

Total length: ? mm
Inside dim eye: ? mm
Wire dia: ? mm
Plate thickness: ? mm
Weight: ? gram

Ask us about BGB Swivel


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The entire website images, text and advertising are copyright protected and may not be copied, distributed or in any way duplicated without written consent from B G BÄLTER AB. Feel free to contact us if you need certain information or want to link to our website. B G B and B G B, Orsa Sweden are registered trademarks owned by B G BÄLTER AB. All illegal use of these is a crime against both Swedish and European trademark law.
